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26th March 2016
Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No.3 at Palacio de la Ópera, Spain

Barry Douglas performed Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in the beautiful venue of Palacio de la Ópera, Spain in March this year, with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia and conductor Michail Jurowski.

Rachmaninov’s Third Piano Concerto has been subject to many differing interpretations from the variety of pianists who have played it in concert, yet as described by journalist Pablo Sánchez Quinteiro of Bachtrack, Barry’s interpretation can be considered ‘the most sublime and accomplished interpretation of all time’. ‘Lush orchestral accompaniment’ integrated precisely with the solo part, creating a wonderful sense of unity and balance.

Combined with Prokofiev’s Symphony no. 3 in C minor, Op.44, these two concerts provided a clear overview of the developments in style which took place throughout the 20th century in Russian music.

In continuation with the theme of Russian music, Barry will perform Tchaikovsky’s Concert Fantasy, Op. 56 with Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra in April, and now heads to the US where he will perform a recital tour of works by Schubert and Brahms.


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